Accelerated Attraction through Excitement

As I watched this week’s Bachelor it came to mind another reason that people on these shows really hit it off, they associate their potential partner with excitement. I’ve noticed that some of the people who end up going fairly far are the people on the adrenaline dates. The sky diving, bungee jumping, adventure and […]

FBI or How Reality Dating Shows Work

Frequency Builds Intimacy Reality dating shows are pretty genius. Lock a bunch of single attractive people in a nice location. Take away all their distractions. Make them talk about and think about the object of their desire all day every day. After that let chemistry do it’s job, literally and figuratively. Through looking at this […]

What is Relationships and Reality?

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and see what it is all about. My name is Jesse and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I love thinking a lot about dating, relationships, and courtship. I also love to binge watch reality dating shows. I find the entire premise of […]